Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Wow, I'm posting a lot. Don't worry I'll get better later.

The big news in my life. We all knew it was going to happen. Frankly I'm surprised no one took bets on how long it was going to take. If you did, who won? It is a tragedy of the least epic proportions and I always figured it would happen this winter, or at least during some sort of rain. I had a major wipeout on my bike.
The first and most important question: Why does Kate have a bicycle when she can barely walk in a straight line? No one knows.
Basically there was a metal bar blocking what I thought was a clear path because I was not paying attention. I saw it at the last second. I hit it very hard. People laughed. I laughed. I hope I get remembered for this. Then instead of doing the smart thing: going home and getting rest, I decided to continue on to the club and drink. Then I decided to dance. Then I had to take a cab home because I was in a lot of pain. Then I slipped crossing the street to the cab.
Today I am bedridden.

Also, I left my bike by the club. Guess I'll be bussin it to class tomorrow.


  1. Hey, Kate. I love your sense of humor about this!

  2. at least you didn't hit any cacti...that's always exciting

  3. the bigger worry here is pricker bushes. and believe me they are plentiful
