Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Apparently they are making an American remake of this movie. This has made a lot of Swedish people unhappy. I can kind of see where they are coming from, but I don't know if this is the movie to freak out about. I mean Pippi Longstocking is one thing, there are actual elements of Swedish culture in that. But GWDT (originally titled Men Who Hate Women) is really not the best example. The main character is a computer hacker, and while she is insanely badass, she is not really a typical Swede. Or a typical anything. In the second book she gets shot in the head and KEEPS fighting.

On the other hand, I can understand that good crime novels and movies aren't what a person associates with Sweden, so they might not want to lose one of their stories to the country that has perfected, if not created, the violent badass crime genre.

I'm kind of curious about what other people think of this American remake for the two or three people out there who care (Mom and Ben).


  1. The frustrating thing about it is... The movie came out like yesterday. (or last year, whatever.) I mean really. It's just too soon to be trying to improve on it or make a different vision. It's the same reason I was frustrated by the remake of Frank Oz's Death at a Funeral, it's just too damn soon. I myself am not always excited about subtitles, they are a bit annoying, forcing your eye's to both read and watch at the same time. Sometimes its nice to be able to shut your eyes and listen to a familiar film and know what they're saying, or if they make the effort to make a really decent dub that's great! (I, for one, unashamedly watch FLCL, Trigun, and Lupin the 3rd dubbed because the voice actors do a damn good job) It's just the urge to remake a film that has barely even been available for 2 years is almost disrespectful and embarrassing as a public. Are we really so full of ourselves that we need an american remake? (It'd be another thing if the film sucked, a la Hulk by Ang Lee which necessitated another go for fans who wanted a decent movie. Although that was an american relaunch of an american movie (that sucked) based on an american comic.) Umm I've ranted enough without making a solid point.

  2. Remakes = $$$

    Also America hates other countries, so we must do everything our own way.

  3. I have no problem with the remake as long as they do not supersize and Americanize it too much. When the Americans got their hands on our dear Pippi they wanted her to be part of a food fight which is NOT Swedish at all. Food fights are something I think you have to be American to appreciate... but they are absolutely nothing our Swedish Pippi would do. A face dip in a cake maybe, but that would be it.

    Another dear Swedish invention that has been abused, supersized, and Americanized is our poor cinnamon bun. This wonderful summer delight from our childhood is now in the hands of the ridiculous Cinnabon chain! This crazy organization has turned the small delight into a grotesque, sugar dripping, over glazed, Hollywood glamour monster that could feed an ant hill for a millenium or two.

    OK..enough of the ranting..let's recap. I am OK with a remake of GWDT as long as it does not turn into a food fighting, oversized, Cinnabon movie. That’s all this Swede has to say about that.


    Bengt-Åke (Ben) Svensson

  4. I can definitely see the hatred of the American bastardized cinnamon bun. And the best part of the cinnamon buns here is just how cheap they are! It's madness. I can understand the hatred of any American bastardizations of your pastries. I still haven't figured out how Swedish people are not fat, because there is a freakish amount of sugary snacks everywhere.

  5. Well one example...parking. The ordinary American will drive multiple laps around a parking lot to find that sweet spot that is so hard to get, the one that is as close as possible to wherever it is they need to go so they do not need to walk too far. The Swede parks his car and walks the extra steps that the American will not. Because the Swede did not waste any time looking for a parking spot, he now has more time to walk around which burns even more calories. This is just one of many daily micro exercises that the Swede adds to his daily calorie burn that the American misses out on.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Swede,


  6. I find the blog and the comments all fascinating... well, fascinating may be too strong of a word, but I just can't think of a better one at the moment. :)

    I personally don't think GWDT requires a remake. It was perfect the way it was/is--subtitles and all. I saw the movie (as you know, Kate) before I read the book. I still enjoyed the book very much. I also loved the sequels (The Girl Who Played With Fire and the Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest).

    I must admit that I was a bit concerned about all the violence due to the setting being so close to Uppsala and my Kate going there for a year... But, Kate rightly reminded me that these are just stories after all and not real life over there... Isn't that right, Ben? :)

    Kate, are you okay over there?????
