Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The clouds are attacking

The view from my window

So there is this white stuff falling from the sky... and it's covering the ground... and it seems really cold... I'm not really sure what it is, but this might be snow

Or maybe I'm crazy.

Glad I finally bought a winter coat last week! And on that note, people who live in cold places are lucky, there is no item of clothing that makes you feel as glamorous as a fur-lined coat. Seriously, try putting one on and not feeling like a movie star.  I'm sorry people who believe in animal rights... this is just a fact of life.

UPDATE: Yes, that was definitely snow. To celebrate, I had a snowball fight and built a snowman. And it was an epic snowman. Not because it resembled a snowman in any real way, but because it had boobs and a tail. And it was almost three feet tall! 

Pictured: talent
And then I was going to go home and be all lazy, but I ran into Alice and Ellinor and we decided to go sledding. But we didn't have sleds. So we bought trash bags. And then I remembered that my roommate has a sled, so we borrowed his. And then we sledded down the hill to the grocery store using our plastic bags and sled. And then I fell off the sled many times. And life was awesome.

Until I got home and realized the internet was dead. Stupid snow!

I couldn't have made this snowman without them

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Uppsala Kortfilmfestival

I volunteered at the Kortfilmfestival (short film festival) last weekend. I got to meet some cool people while I was doing it, and all I had to do was sell tickets and drink coffee and in return I got to see as many short films as I wanted. They were set up in 2-hour blocks and over the course of that week I saw five.

At first some of the films seemed way too intense and I wondered why they would make them so hard to watch, but then I realized that when you only have 5-20 minutes to show something, you have to make it make an impact. You don't have a few hours of buildup to make your point.

Even though I understand why they had to be so intense, I have to admit that my favorite was the animated one that was just insanely beautiful.

The Silence Beneath The Bark
Two curious little creatures discover snow and other mysterious things in a dreamy winter landscape.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

balloon gasque

A few weeks ago was the International Student Gasque. A gasque is a big party, much like a prom or formal, where you get dressed up and have a nice dinner, listen to a lot of speeches that you toast with snaps, and dance once you are suitably drunk.

Highlights of the evening
This is the flower balloon that I became irrationally attached to. My "date", or the person I was assigned to sit next to, tried to throw it into the crowd for reasons that I still do not understand. Luckily I rescued it and left him, because he had listened to me talk about how much I loved that balloon for about three hours. There was no excuse for what he did and needless to say, there will not be a second.
 The rules of the gasque. I like the "eaten meal will not be refunded" rule.
 The meal of elk and potatoes... I would have preferred a nice steak, but you've gotta branch out sometime
*side note: I recently tried foie gras... gotta say the French know what they're doing about weird foods

Overall, a great night. I got to eat weird stuff, dance, and wear a pretty dress. And the most important thing is that my flower balloon survived the whole night!