Wednesday, December 8, 2010

corridor crawl

Kate failed at describing her November adventures. This is my attempt to catch everyone up on them.

Awhile ago, like a month ago, I had an essay due that Monday so I blocked off a whole weekend to get it done. Naturally, on that Friday, my corridor decided to have a night of bonding and alcohol that is known as a "corridor crawl".
The trepidation

A corridor crawl is an event where you go around as a group to everyone's room. In each room there is a different drink. It is a brutal test of stamina because I live in a corridor with 12 people, 11 of whom were participating (plus two extras who did not bring alcohol because frankly that would be overkill).

no idea why i insist on showing people this
We began all civilly in Gina's room with wine and normal conversation. We followed it with Sylvia's room and hot wine in the kitchen. Things were going fine until we hit the middle which consisted of Aureille's room with vodka shots, my room with Fisher's shots, and Louis's room with tequila shots and hot sauce. In my room, I showed people awkward pictures of my adolescence because they were on the wall and I thought they were funny:

oh wait, I do

Then in Louis' room some people had a swordfight because he does fencing. I remember being terrified because Max should not be allowed near pointy objects. I wish I had a picture of this.

In Wendy's room, the karaoke began. Luckily it wasn't real karaoke where only one person humiliates themselves, it was group karaoke where the floor collectively humiliates itself and simultaneously pisses off anyone below us (we live on the 7th floor).

It concluded in Brian's room with absinthe. Absinthe was a brave choice considering that at this point we had all had at a minimum ten drinks, and a few brave souls had drank considerably more. So naturally passing around sugar and a lighter, burning the sugar, and dropping it into a shot glass was a good plan. I managed to avoid severe burns, or any burns, through what was either an act of god, or the wonders of chemistry. I spilled some sugar on my thumb, but it burned itself out, and on my knee, but it too burned itself out without setting fire to me or my clothing.

Upon completing all of this, many people went to bed. The rest of us stayed up causing bodily harm to others by dancing. I am proud to say I stuck it out the whole time and ended it in a four-way slow dance with Sylvia, Aureille, and Max because girls are apparently better partiers than boys.

my alcohol contribution
My storytelling contribution

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